Archive: 2016

P-N Junction & Semiconductor Devices

We have already learned something about circuit analysis, while to really build our circuits into practical ones, there’s still much more to do. A simple question is that, if we want to amplify our s

Electromagnetic Field: Magnetostatics

We have already learned something about electrostatics last times. Now we turn to focus on magnetostatics. In history, for some reasons, although magnets and magnetism were known earlier, the study o

Electromagnetic Field: Electrostatics

What are we trying to figure out when we talk about a force field? What are the force lines look like? Diverging or twisting? How can we measure them? What would happen if two fields connected toget

Birthday Again

Birthday again - It’s my 20th.I’d like to share this song with you. Alternative link form YouTube:Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd - The Wall (better sound n image) The child is grownThe dream is gone